
If one has to characterize the life of religion in the broadest and most general terms possible, one might say that it exists of the belief that there is an unseen order, and that our supreme good lies in harmoniously adjusting ourselves hereto. A wide variety of topics and subjects, directly or indirectly linked with the ‘PEACE’ for humanity through spiritual & physical contentment or achievements have been put together. There are commentaries on some of the famous best seller books, brief on authors and their writings about personal awakening & their Spiritual experiences which changed the course of their life and also affected many others. The writers are mostly Christians, Hindus, Buddhists & atheists. There are sociologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, scientists, theologians, business people, journalists, priests as well as people from many other fields. Some of them were attracted towards the message of Islam. They accepted it after thorough deliberations, which changed their life, while others have tried to achieve peace and contentment through different theories and personnel experience. http://www.butler-bowdon.com/
Humanity, Religion, Culture, Ethics, Science, Spirituality & Peace
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